Spencer Tassone - Software Developer

I'm a full-stack software engineer based in New York City with over 4 years professional experience building, maintaining and updating both frontend and backend systems.

Software • Frameworks • Workflows

ruby rails react rspec JS Jquery HTML5
CSS git postgres AWS D3 Heroku Python
salesforce sql Jira Jenkins redshift java Csharp
Ruby • Rails • React • SQL • JS • jQuery • HTML5 • CSS • Heroku • Git • AWS • PostgreSQL
Python • Jira • Salesforce • Apex • Java • C# • Jenkins • AngularJS • Vue • Django

Recent Work

Texas Hold 'Em Odds Calculator

Prior to studying software development, I spent the majority of my time playing Texas Hold 'em. Both online and live, the odds of winning are something that any player needs to be able to calculate on the fly in order to ensure that they are getting their money in good against their opponents perceived range. To be sure that a user is calculating correctly, after the hand is over it is common for players to discuss or list out the possible cards that could fall as they articulate the mental math they went through in the hand. What I intend to show here is simple and streamlined interface for users to quickly access and calculate that math in between hands.

Live Site Github

Yuup.com (Clone of Yelp)

Yuup is a restaurant listings site that assists users in finding a dining experience that best fits their needs. From price and photos, to location and average user experience, Yuup stylishly lists out everything a hungry person is looking for. Upon logging in, the splash page search bar is auto filled with the users home location to assist in the searching process. Should one be looking for a hot spot that they may be new or trending, a user can also go to one of the multiple randomly generated restaurants around the users location. Should that not be enough, simply clicking on the "find more" link on the bottom or entering their parameters in the search bar brings them to a page with more restaurants and their locations.

Live Site Github
game of life

Game of Life

The Game of Life, also known simply as Life, is a cellular automaton devised by the British mathematician John Horton Conway in 1970. It is a zero-player game, meaning that its evolution is determined by its initial state, requiring no further input. One interacts with the Game of Life by creating an initial configuration and observing how it evolves. It is Turing complete and can simulate a universal constructor or any other Turing machine.

Typing speed test

Typing game

This typing speed test game was an attempt to recreate the site that kept distracting me from my other projects: https://www.keyhero.com/free-typing-test/ . Simple and clean, it generates random quotes using a simple, yet admittedly unreliable, API and tests the user input against each character. After a quote is completed, the users Words per minute is displayed with a little compliment.

Live Site Github


App Academy

Full Stack Development

SUNY Potsdam


Get In Touch

Contact me anytime! I'd love to hear from you.